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基于 J2EE 架构的中医药文献平台的设计与实现
(南京中医药大学中医药文献研究所,江苏 南京 210023)

摘  要:文章选取《中华本草》《方剂大辞典》《中医临床病证大典泄泻篇、肿瘤篇》等中医药领域的经典著作,整理清洗数据并构建数据库进行规范化存储。基于 J2EE 架构搭建中医药文献平台,为广大中医药相关人员学习和研究中医药提供文献数据检索和数据挖掘等综合性服务。该文详细阐述了平台的设计,以及数据管理、存储、检索和挖掘等功能的实现。



中图分类号:TP311                                       文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)13-0073-04

Design and Implementation of Chinese Medicine Literature Platform Based on J2EE Architecture


(Institute of Literature in Chinese Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210023, China)

Abstract: This paper selects classic works in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, such as Chinese Materia Medica, Dictionary of Prescriptions, Diarrhea and Tumor of TCM Clinical Syndrome, sort out and clean the data and build a database for normalized storage. Build a traditional Chinese medicine literature platform based on J2EE architecture to provide comprehensive services such as literature data retrieval and data mining for the majority of traditional Chinese medicine related personnel to study and research traditional Chinese medicine. This paper describes in detail the design of the platform and the realization of data management, storage, retrieval, mining and other functions.

Keywords: Chinese medicine literature; J2EE; data mining; comprehensive platform


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作者简介:张云琪(1993.09—),女,汉族,江苏南京人, 助理实验师,硕士研究生,研究方向:中医药信息与大数据挖掘。