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(1. 广州市福立分析仪器有限公司,广东 广州 510375;2. 中诚瑞测计量检测有限公司,四川 成都 610051)

摘  要:为了保证机动车排放检测精度,需要对排放的 NO 气体进行湿度修正,对柴油车底盘测功机的输出功率进行进气压力和温度修正。文章对在用车国家排放标准进行了研究,指出国标中对环境参数测量精度要求存在不一致的问题。通过对各种环境参数误差对测量结果影响的分析,提出一种统一的精度以及能满足各种检测方法的要求,有利于产品生产和计量认证。



中图分类号:X734.2                                      文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0158-03

Study on the Influence of Environmental Parameters on Measurement Results in In-use Vehicle Emission Inspection

ZHOU Sibao1 ,LUO Wenbo2

(1.Guangzhou Fuli Analytical Instrument Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510375,China; 2.Zhongchengruice Metrology And Testing Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610051,China)

Abstract:In order to ensure the inspection accuracy of motor vehicle emission,it is necessary to correct the humidity of NO gas emitted,and correct the intake pressure and temperature of the output power of diesel chassis dynamometer. This paper studies the national emission standard of in-use vehicles,and points out a problem that there are inconsistent requirements for the measurement accuracy of environmental parameters in the world. Through the analysis of the influence of various environmental parameter errors on the measurement results,a unified accuracy and a requirement that can meet various inspection methods are proposed,which are conducive to product production and metrological certification.

Keywords:environmental protection detection of in-use vehicle;humidity correction coefficient;atmospheric correction coefficient


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作者简介:周四宝(1972—),男,汉族,安徽亳州人,仪器 仪表工程师,本科,研究方向:不分光红外法气体检测。