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基于BOTDR 光纤传感技术的输电线路在线温度监测的研究
(国网浙江省电力公司宁波供电公司,浙江 宁波 315010)

摘  要:单模光纤主要包括布里渊散射光与入射光两种,其中布里渊散射光的频移量较大,受所处环境的温度影响较大。根据这种线性温度敏感的特性,布里渊光时域反射计应运而生,它能够对线路中的光缆温度状况进行实时监测。本文通过具体的实验研究得出,该系统能够准确体现出线路光缆纤芯温度的变化情况,可用于输电线路的温度安全监测。


中图分类号:TM75         文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0044-03

Research on On-line Temperature Monitoring of Transmission Line Based on BOTDR Optical Fiber Sensing Technology

YU Jiajie,YU Yan,WU Zhongping

(State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation Ningbo Power Supply Company,Ningbo 315010,China)

Abstract:Single mode fiber mainly includes brillouin scattering light and incident light,and brillouin scattering light has a large frequency shift,which is affected by the temperature of the environment. According to this linear temperature sensitive characteristic,brillouin optical time domain reflectometer was born,which can be used to monitor the temperature of fiber optic cables in real time.Through specific experimental research,the system can accurately reflect the temperature change of the fiber core of the line and can be used to monitor the temperature of the transmission line.

Keywords:fiber optics;Brillouin scattering;temperature detection


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