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(中国电子科技集团公司第十三研究所,河北 石家庄 050000)

摘  要:文章提出了一种以电容阻抗高频特性为基础的串扰耦合干扰的滤波抑制方法。介绍了实际情况中电容的等效阻抗在高频工作条件下所表现出的特性,分析了电容滤波时的工作原理。电容滤波的本质是在信号传输通道与“地”之间搭建一条针对干扰信号的低阻抗通道,使干扰信号在进入敏感工作电路之前就通过低阻通道被泄入“地”中,进而达到滤除干扰的目的。利用电容这一特性,成功实现了对干扰信号的有效滤除,并通过仿真验证了其可行性。



中图分类号:TM13                                         文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)14-0062-06

Research on Filtering Method Based on High Frequency Characteristics of Capacitor Equivalent Impedance

TAN Chao

(The 13th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Shijiazhuang 050000, China)

Abstract: This paper proposes a filtering method of crosstalk coupling interference based on the high frequency characteristic of capacitive impedance, introduces the characteristics of the equivalent impedance of the capacitor in the high frequency working condition, and analyzes the working principle of the capacitor filter. The essence of capacitance filtering is to build a low impedance channel between the signal transmission channel and the “ground” for interference signal, so that the interference signal is discharged into the “ground” through the low impedance channel before entering the sensitive working circuit, so as to achieve the purpose of filtering interference. Using the characteristic of capacitance, the interference signal is filtered effectively, and the feasibility is verified by simulation.

Keywords: capacitance; equivalent impedance; high frequency characteristics; wave filtering


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