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浅谈工程测绘中GPS 定位测量技术的优势与应用
(阳泉市测绘处,山西 阳泉 045000)

摘  要:随着社会经济的不断发展,对工程测绘提出的要求越来越严格,为满足现代社会的发展需求,推动建筑行业发展,提高工程测绘效率、保证测绘精度,成为当前的研究重点。GPS 测量技术作为一种常用技术,凭借强大的功能和适应性被广泛用于工程测绘中。本文首先概述了GPS 的技术理论,然后分析了工程测绘中GPS 定位测量技术的优势,最后总结了工程测绘中 GPS 定位测量技术的应用。

关键词:工程测绘;GPS 定位;测量;技术优势

中图分类号:P228.4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)06-0053-02

Advantages and Application of GPS Positioning and Surveying Technology in Engineering Surveying and Mapping
JI Sanyun
(Yangquan Surveying and Mapping Office,Yangquan 045000,China)

Abstract:With the development of society and economy,the requirements for engineering surveying and mapping are becoming more and more strict. In order to meet the needs of the development of modern society,promote the development of the construction industry,improve the efficiency of surveying and mapping,and ensure the accuracy of surveying and mapping,it has become the focus of the current research. As a common technology,GPS measurement technology is widely used in engineering surveying and mapping due to its powerful functions and adaptability. This paper first summarizes the technical theory of GPS,then analyzes the advantages of GPS positioning measurement technology in engineering surveying and mapping,and finally summarizes the application of GPS positioning measurement technology in engineering surveying and mapping.

Keywords:engineering surveying and mapping;GPS positioning;measurement;technical superiority


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