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(1. 晋江市城城置业有限公司,福建 泉州 362200;2. 福建省兴泰物业管理有限公司,福建 泉州 362200)

摘  要:现代城市的发展造就了数以万计的地下车库。目前车库的照明光源基本采用T8 或T5 直管荧光灯,灯光照明的控制方式大部分均采用集中人工控制的方式,由值班员进行操控。地下车库全天候24 小时持续照明,灯管的损耗率非常高,维护工作量大,耗电量极高。针对以上问题,设计一种专用于地下车库的节能照明系统具有非常重要的意义。本文的设计是基于微波感应的地下车库节能照明系统,该系统由STC 单片机、数字光强传感器、微波感应传感器和LED 灯等组成。单片机根据装在地下车库入口处的数字光强传感器BH1750 检测入口处的光照强度,调节入口处LED 灯的亮度,光照强度由LCD1602 显示。此外,通过微波感应传感器检测地下车库内车辆或人的移动,如果没有检测到车辆或人体移动,单片机控制LED 灯的亮度为10%;如果检测到车辆或人移动,则调节LED 亮度至90%,以达到节能环保的目的。LED 灯亮度通过PID 算法和PWM 技术控制。最后通过实验证明,系统达到预期的节能效果,可为相关行业提供有益的借鉴。

关键词:微波感应传感器;PID 算法;PWM 技术

中图分类号:TU964         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0032-05

Design of Energy Saving Lighting System for Underground Garage
CHEN Yaocong1,2
(1.Jinjiang Chengcheng Property Co.,Ltd.,Quanzhou 362200,China;2.Fujian Xingtai Property Management Co.,Ltd.,Quanzhou 362200,China)

Abstract:The development of modern cities has created tens of thousands of underground garages. At present,the lighting source of the garage is basically using T8 or T5 direct tube fluorescent lamp,and the control mode of light lighting is mostly controlled by centralized manual control,which is controlled by the duty officer. The underground garage has 24 hours of continuous illumination,and the wastage rate of the lamp is very high. The maintenance workload is large and the power consumption is extremely high. In view of the above problems,it has a great significance to design an energy-efficient lighting system dedicated to underground garage. The design of this paper is based on the microwave induction of the underground garage energy saving lighting system. The system is composed of STCmicrocontroller,digital light intensity sensor,microwave induction sensor,LED lamp and so on. According to the digital intensity sensor BH1750 which is installed at the entrance of the underground garage,the MCU detects the light intensity at the entrance,and regulatesthe brightness of the LED lamp at the entrance,and the intensity of light is displayed by LCD1602. In addition,the vehicle or humanmovement in the underground garage is detected by the microwave induction sensor. If the vehicle or human movement is not detected,the brightness of the LED lamp is 10%. If the vehicle or the person is moved,the brightness of the LED is adjusted to 90% to achieve the goal of energy conservation and environmental protection. The luminance of the LED lamp is controlled by the PID algorithm and the PWM technology. Finally,through the test,the system achieves the expected energy saving effect,which can provide useful reference for therelated industries.

Keywords:microwave induction sensor;PID algorithm;PWM technology


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作者简介:陈耀从(1974.11-),男,福建泉州人,晋江城城置业有限公司副总经理、物业工程总监;福建省兴泰物业管理有限公司物业顾问师;管理高级工程师、高级经济师(房地产业)、安全生产管理工程师、工程设备管理工程师、工程建设管理工程师、高级安全评价师、高级职业指导师、高级企业培训师,高级项目管理师、维修电工高级技师、国家职业经理人、物业管理师,研究方向:房地产业经济、咨询(投资)管理工程、建筑经济、物业管理、物业顾问服务、工程技术、科技管理( 安全生产管理)、质量管理、物业机电设备管理。