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(中认尚动(上海)检测技术有限公司,上海 200233)

摘  要:在城市的建设与发展中,城市照明发挥着重要的作用,需要相关人员加大重视力度。对此,本文将分析当前城市道路照明设计与节能的现状,结合案例探究具体的设计方案。并在这一基础上,对光源选择、灯具性能、维护工作等方面,进行简单的探究。以期为相关人员提供参考,优化城市道路照明设计方案,减少能源消耗,达到节能的目的。

关键词:城市道路;照明设计;LED 灯

中图分类号:U491.53         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0052-02

Brief Discussion on Urban Road Lighting Design and Energy Conservation
JIANG Weijia
(CQC Standard (Shanghai) Testing Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200233,China)

Abstract:Urban lighting plays an important role in the construction and development of cities,which requires more attention from relevant personnel. In this regard,this paper will analyze the current situation of urban road lighting design and energy Saving,and explore specific design schemes combined with cases. On this basis,the light source selection,lamp performance,maintenance and other aspects are simply explored. In order to provide reference for relevant personnel,optimize the design of urban road lighting,reduce energy consumption and achieve the purpose of energy Saving.

Keywords:urban roads;lighting design;LED light


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