
高校微信公号平台建设对思政工作的功能研究 ——以浙江树人大学为例
(浙江树人大学,浙江 杭州 310015)

摘  要:新媒体时代的背景下,微信公众号平台的兴起对于高校思政工作来说既是挑战,也是机遇,研究高校微信公众号平台建设对高校思政工作的功能意义非凡。当前对高校微信公众号平台建设的探索还停留在内容和形式的表层面,将高校微信公众号平台建设与高校思政工作结合起来的研究相对较少,尤其是在高校微信公众号平台表层面功能下的思想文化引领的内涵功能和大学生政治意识形态构建中的核心作用。本文以浙江树人大学微信公众号平台的建设为具体研究案例,借助帕森斯的结构功能主义视角分析,验证该微信公众号平台建设的内容模块的合理性和矩阵结构模式的先进性,为校园红色文化建设提供平台与载体。


中图分类号:G641        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0192-03

Research on the Function of the Construction of WeChat Public Platform in Colleges and Universities to Ideological and Political Work

——Take Zhejiang Shuren University as an Example

CAO Yongkang,LU Ying,ZENG Xiaojiang

(Zhejiang Shuren University,Hangzhou 310015,China)

Abstract:In the context of the new media era,the rise of WeChat public platform is both a challenge and an opportunity for ideological and political work in colleges and universities. It is of great significance to study the construction of WeChat public platform in colleges and universities. At present,the exploration of the construction of WeChat public platform in universities still remains at the surface level of content and form. There are relatively few studies on the combination of the construction of WeChat public platform and ideological and political work in universities,especially the connotation function of ideological and cultural guidance under the surface level function of WeChat public platform in universities and the core role of university students’political and ideological construction. Taking the construction of WeChat public platform in Zhejiang Shuren University as a case study,this paper verifies the rationality of the content module and the advancement of the matrix structure mode of the WeChat public platform from the perspective of Parsons’structural functionalism,and provides a platform and carrier for the construction of campus red culture.

Keywords:WeChat public number;ideological and political work in universities;campus culture;Zhejiang Shuren University


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作者简介:曹永康(1992-),男,汉族,江苏盐城人,安徽 大学社会学硕士,助教,主要研究方向:应用社会学、文化人类学。