
(广州市司法职业学校,广东 广州 510440)

摘  要:在当前信息化大环境下,如何培养中职学生的信息技术核心素养变得非常重要,结合普通高中新版信息技术课程标准对中职学生信息技术的核心素养进行内涵分析,针对中职学生的特性研究其信息技术核心素养的形成,以及其提高的对策及途径,从而有效促进中职学生信息技术核心素养的提高。


中图分类号:G633.67        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0170-03

How to Cultivate the Core Quality of Information Technology for Secondary Vocational School Students

SUN Zhiyong

(Guangzhou Judicial Vocational School,Guangzhou 510440,China)

Abstract:In the current information environment,how to cultivate the core literacy of information technology for the vocational school students is very important,carry out connotation analysis to the core literacy of information technology for the students of vocational school in combination with the information technology curriculum standard of new version of senior high school. In view of the characteristics of secondary vocational students,this paper studies the formation of their core information technology literacy,and the countermeasures and ways to improve it,so as to effectively promote the improvement of secondary vocational students’core information technology literacy.

Keywords:secondary vocational school students’core literacy;information technology;education informatization


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作者简介:孙智勇(1978.03-),男,汉族,湖南娄底人,教师, 讲师,硕士,研究方向:信息技术教学。