
(江苏省睢宁中等专业学校,江苏 徐州 221200)

摘  要:基于“互联网+”的教育已经成为当前教育的大趋势,为了解决教育资源匮乏的问题,实现共享教育资源的目的,依托于互联网的各种混合学习模式已成为主流。本文从社会对于人才的需求角度出发,通过开发企业项目与教学过程相结合,探索更为科学和具有实际应用价值的教学规程,实现社会工作环境与学校教学的接轨,为中职学生今后的就业打下良好的理论和实践基础,真正实现中职教学内容与职业生涯的融合。


中图分类号:G712.0;J51-4          文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0163-03

Research on Teaching Reform of Graphic Design Course in Secondary Vocational Schools under the Background of “Internet Plus”


(Jiangsu Suining Secondary Professional School,Xuzhou 221200,China)

Abstract:Education based on “internet plus” has become a major trend in education. In order to solve the shortage of educational resources and realize the purpose of sharing educational resources,various blended learning modes based on the internet have become the mainstream. This study from the perspective of social demand for talents,through the development enterprise project combined with the teaching process,to explore more scientific and practical application value of teaching procedures,realize social work environment with the school teaching practice,for secondary vocational students’employment in the future lay a good foundation of theory and practice,achieve the integration of teaching content and career in secondary vocational schools.

Keywords:internet plus;graphic design course;information-based teaching


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