
(广东科鉴检测工程技术有限公司,广东 广州 510000)

摘  要:技术就绪度等级评价目前在国内外科技项目中被广泛应用,通过将技术成熟过程量化,判断项目开发当前所处的阶段和成熟程度,用以指导下一阶段的工作。建立一种技术就绪度自评价方法,可以帮助企业从技术状态、制造状态、项目规划三个维度对项目技术就绪度开展自评价工作,尽早发现开发过程中存在的问题和风险,为合理制定科研计划和项目决策提供依据,推进项目成果转化和工程化进展。


中图分类号:G322;G304         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0180-04

Discussion on Self-Evaluation Method of Technology Readiness Levels in Science and Technology Projects
BAO Litao,YANG Daojian
(Guangdong Scientific Verification and Testing Engineering Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510000,China)

Abstract:Technology readiness levels evaluation is widely used in science and technology projects at home and abroad at present. By quantifying the technology maturity process,we can judge the current stage and maturity of the project development to guide the work in the next stage. The establishment of a self-evaluation method of technology readiness can help enterprises to carry out self-evaluation of project technology readiness from the three dimensions of technology status,manufacturing status and project planning,to develop
the problems and risks existing in the development process as early as possible,to provide a basis for the rational preparation of scientific research plans and project decision-making,and to promote the transformation of project achievements and engineering progress.

Keywords:technology readiness levels;science and technology projects;key technical elements;self-evaluation method


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