
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:伴随着互联网行业的不断发展,我国逐渐迈向新信息社会。新媒体乘着互联网时代的顺风车,凭借算法技术实现个性化推送而迅速发展壮大。关于新媒体的研究早已成为国家层面的重要课题,新媒体也日益广泛地渗入人们的日常生活。新媒体的发展带动了自媒体的发展,自媒体简单来说就是用户用以发布自己所见所闻、所思所想的载体,其主要平台包括微博、微信、百度百家、今日头条、大鱼号等。近几年,自媒体发展速度较快,但自媒体的内容创作良莠不齐,面临内容创作中信息推送低端化、标题党问题突出、推送内容单一和产生信息茧房效应等问题,由此可见,自媒体内容创作优化势在必行,本文通过对现阶段我国自媒体发展中存在的问题进行分析,提出对于自媒体内容创作优化有效的对策。


中图分类号:G206         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0189-03

Research on Optimizing We-media Content Creation under New Media Environment
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)

Abstract:With the continuous development of the internet industry,China is gradually becoming a new information society. Coming with the era of internet,New media achieve personalized push service and rapid development and growth with the help of algorithmic technology. The research on new media has already become an important theme at the national level,and new media has increasingly penetrated into people's daily life. The development of new media drives the development of We-media. Simply speaking,We-media is the carrier that users use to publish what they see,hear and think. Its main platforms include micro-blog,WeChat,BaiduBaijia,Today’s Headlines,Big Fish and so on. In recent years,the development of We-media is relatively fast,but the content creation of We-media is good and bad mixed together. There are many problems in content creation,such as low-end information push,prominent headline-related problems,single push content,and information cocoon effect. This shows that it is imperative to optimize the content creation of We-media. This paper analyses the problems existing in the development of We-media in China at present. It also brings forward effective countermeasures to optimize the content creation of We-media.

Keywords:new media;We-media;content creation


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