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基于Arena 的大超市收银台系统仿真研究
(兰州交通大学 交通运输学院,甘肃 兰州 730070)

摘  要:本文研究大超市收银台系统,运用Arena Rockwell 仿真软件模拟超市收银台系统,其主要是为了减少顾客等待时间,又能够提高超市的工作效率以及顾客满意度。以兰州交通大学对面的超市作为实例,因为此超市是按学生上下课的时间安排工作的疏密,所以此超市是一个特殊的模型。

关键词:超市收银台系统;Arena Rockwell;仿真软件;顾客满意度

中图分类号:TP391.9           文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0092-03

Research on Simulation of Cash Register System in Large Supermarket Based on Arena
Wanrawee Wuttisiriworapat
(School of Traffic and Transportation,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China)

Abstract:This paper studies the supermarket cash register system,using Arena Rockwell simulation software to simulate the supermarket cash register system. The main purpose is to reduce customer waiting time,but also to improve the efficiency of supermarkets and customer satisfaction. Taking the supermarket opposite Lanzhou Jiaotong University as an example,this supermarket is a special model because it arranges the work according to the time of students’going to and from class.

Keywords:supermarket queuing system;Arena Rockwell;simulation software;customer satisfaction


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