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IT 应用软件分布式管理架构的研究与设计
(北方联合广播电视网络股份有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110011)

摘  要:互联网、大数据、云计算等技术的快速发展,有力地促进了IT 应用软件的普及,使其覆盖了电子政务、电子商务、金融证券、游戏娱乐、工业厂房等多个领域,并取得了显著的成效。IT 应用软件多采用分布式管理架构,利用互联网实现信息共享,因此采用的架构与传统的单机版存在较大的差别。本文重点分析了常用的客户机/ 服务器体系架构和浏览器/ 服务器体系架构,归 纳了这两种架构的组成和应用,同时描述了未来两种架构的应用趋势,为应用软件的设计提供了强大的支撑,具有重要的作用和意义。

关键词:IT 应用软件;分布式管理架构;C/S 体系架构;B/S 体系架构

中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0104-02

Research and Design of Distributed Management Architecture for IT Application Software
(Northern United Broadcasting Television Network Corporation,Shenyang 110011,China)

Abstract:The rapid development of internet,big data and cloud computing has greatly promoted the popularization of IT application software. It covers many fields,such as e-government,electronic commerce,financial securities,game entertainment,industrial plant and so on,and has achieved remarkable application results. IT application software mostly adopts distributed management framework and uses internet to realize information sharing. Therefore,the architecture adopted is quite different from the traditional standalone version. This paper focuses on the analysis of the common architecture and architecture,summarizes the composition and application of the two architectures,and describes the trend of the application of the two architectures in the future,which provides a strong support for the design of the application software,and has an important role and significance.

Keywords:IT application software;distributed management framework;C/S architecture;B/S architecture


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