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(辽宁师范大学海华学院,辽宁 沈阳 110167)

摘  要:现如今,由于我国的计算机以及网络技术得到了很大的进步,从而推动教育界信息建设进行长期有效的创新以及深层次的改革。在我国高校当中,计算机机房实验室满足了校内人员很多的上机以及任务实验的需要。从实际情况来看,计算机机房实验室在管理方面存在不少问题,因此可以将虚拟技术应用在机房实验室当中,从而将其打造成符合各类教学需要的虚拟实验室,有效促进教学效率以及教学质量的提升,本文对虚拟技术在高校计算机机房实验室中的应用展开分析。


中图分类号:TP391.41        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0078-03

Application and Analysis of Virtual Technology in Computer Room Laboratory of Colleges and Universities

YU Yue

(Liaoning Normal University Haihua College,Shenyang 110167,China)

Abstract:Nowadays,due to the great progress of computer and network technology in our country,it promotes the long-term and effective innovation and deep-seated reform of information construction in educational circles. In China’s universities, the computer lab meets the needs of many people on the computer and task experiments. From the actual situation, there are many problems in the management of the computer room laboratory,so virtual technology can be applied in the computer room laboratory,so that it can be built into a virtual laboratory that meets all kinds of teaching needs,effectively promote the improvement of teaching efficiency and teaching quality. This paper analyses the application of virtual technology in the computer room laboratory of colleges and universities.

Keywords:virtual technology;university computer room laboratory;network technology;education informatization


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作者简介:于跃(1995.04-),女,汉族,辽宁朝阳人,本科, 研究方向:计算机科学与技术。