
Java 语言程序设计教学探究 ——以中医院校信息管理与信息系统专业为例
(山东中医药大学 管理学院,山东 济南 250355)

摘  要:Java 语言程序设计是信息管理与信息系统专业的必修课,通过分析其在教学中存在的一些问题,结合中医院校信息管理与信息系统专业的特色,在教学内容上合理规划、突出中医特色;在教学方法上,改变传统讲授方式,采用案例教学法、项目驱动法相结合的方式,并通过教师队伍建设、教研结合等方式提高实践教学效果;在考核方式上注重对学生学习过程的考核,通过这几个方面的探索,提高课程的教学质量。

关键词:Java 程序设计; 教学改革;信息管理与信息系统;中医药院校



中图分类号:TP312.2-4;G642                       文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)02-0181-04

Research on the Teaching of Java Language Programming——Take the Specialty of Information Management and Information System in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Universities as an Example

SUN Xiaoyan

(School of Management,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250355,China)

Abstract:Java language programming is a compulsory course for the specialty of information management and information system. By analyzing some problems existing in teaching,combining with the characteristics of the specialty of information management and information system in the traditional Chinese medicine universities,the teaching content is reasonably planned and the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine are highlighted,in teaching methods,the traditional teaching methods are changed,adopt the combination of case teaching method and project driven method,and improve the practical teaching effect through the construction of teaching staff and the combination of teaching and research;in the assessment method,we should pay attention to the assessment of students’learning process,and improve the teaching quality of the course through these aspects of exploration.

Keywords:Java programming;teaching reform;information management and information system;traditional Chinese medicine university


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