
基于“雨课堂”和 PTA 构建混合式教学模式
(河北师范大学附属民族学院,河北 石家庄 050091)

摘  要:随着信息技术快速发展,混合式教学模式越来越多地应用到教学过程中。PTA 和“雨课堂”的混合式教学模式,可以有效弥补传统课堂教学的缺陷、支持多样化的教学方式、充分发挥教师对学生的引导作用,这样可将程序语言类课程的教学推上一个新高度。“雨课堂”工具激发学生学习积极性和主动性,通过课堂信息的反馈及时了解学生的学习动态,从而提高学习效果;PTA 平台可以拓宽学生视野,平台的规范化让学生养成良好的编程习惯,从而提高学生的编程能力。



基金项目:2020 年度河北省社会科学发展研究课题(20200602007);2019 年度河北师范大学附属民族学院科研启动基金项目(2019Z04)

中图分类号:TP393.07-4;G434                        文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2021)02-0191-05

Constructing Blended Learning Model Based on “Yuketang” and PTA

LI Jianjun,SUN Manman,CUI Suli

(Affiliated College of Minority Education,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang 050091,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology,blended learning model is more and more applied to teaching process. The blended learning model of PTA and “Yuketang” can effectively complement the shortcomings of traditional classroom teaching,support diversified teaching methods,and give full play the guiding function of teachers on students,so as to push the teaching of procedural language courses to a new height.“Yuketang” tool is used to motivate students’learning enthusiasm and initiative,and students’learning trends are timely understood through feedback of classroom information,so as to improve learning effect. Using PTA platform can broaden students’horizons. The standardization of the platform enables students to develop good programming habits,so as to improve their programming ability.

Keywords:PTA;Yuketang;blended learning;teaching model


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