
基于 STEAM 教育的小学无人机校本课程的设计与实践
(广州市何香凝纪念学校,广东 广州 510388)

摘  要:广州市何香凝纪念学校于 2020 年开展无人机课程实验。通过对祝智庭、余胜泉、刘清堂、余红等教授的相关论文、讲座资料的深入学习,对多个STEAM教育案例分析,设计了小学无人机校本课程。在课程实践中,为了适应疫情防控和响应“双减”政策的要求,培养学生自主探究的学习习惯,把胡小勇教授的“六把金钥匙”翻转教学模式融入5E教学模式,形成“f5E教学模式”。通过无人机课程的设计、实践、交流,发展学生核心素养,培养全面发展的人。

关键词:无人机;STEAM;STEM;5E 教学模式;校本课程


课题项目:广州市教育局青少年科技教育 计划基金项目资助(KP2020-11(市));广 东省外语艺术职业学院广东省中小学教师发展中 心、广东省学前教育师资培训中心 2019 年度中 小学幼儿园教育科研课题(19GDZC005)

中图分类号:V279;G434                               文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)19-0174-06

Design and Practice of UAV School-based Course in Primary School Based on STEAM Education

RUAN Enrong

(Guangzhou He Xiangning Memorial School, Guangzhou 510388, China)

Abstract: Guangzhou He Xiangning Memorial School carried out UAV course experiment in 2020. Through the in-depth study of relevant papers and lecture materials of professors Zhu zhiting, Yu Shengquan, Liu Qingtang and Yu Hong, analyzes several STEAM education cases, designs the school-based course of UAV in primary school. In the course practice, in order to meet the requirements of epidemic prevention and control and response to the “double reduction” policy, and cultivate students’ learning habits of independent inquiry, Professor Hu Xiaoyong’s “six Golden Keys” flipped teaching mode is integrated into the 5E teaching mode to form the “f5E teaching mode”. Through the design, practice and communication of UAV course, students’ core literacy is developed and people with all-round development are cultivated.

Keywords: UAV; STEAM; STEM; 5E teaching mode; school-based course


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