
基于“互联网 +”的“宽带与数据传输”O2O 教学 模式创新改革与研究
(重庆电讯职业学院,重庆 402247)

摘  要:针对线下教育在疫情面前无能为力,线上教育要求网络环境好、学生自觉性高等问题,文章首先描述了“宽带与数据传输”课程开展现状,就目前存在问题展开了分析讨论,然后以“链路聚合技术原理与配置”为例,详细阐述了将二者相融合的新型教学模式——线上线下(O2O)混合教学模式课程实施方案 , 最后总结了采用新型教学模式的优势,为后期高职院校进一步改进教学模式提供了可靠的参考依据。



基金项目:重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目;项目名称:基于“互联网 +”的《宽带与数据传输》O2O 教学模式创新改革与研究;项目编号:203679

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                      文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)01-0195-04

Innovation and Research on O2O Teaching Mode of “Broadband and Data Transmission” Based on “Internet Plus”

LIN Wenzhang, CUI Hongmei, TIAN Shaochuan, MENG Mi

(Chongqing Telecommunication Polytechnic College, Chongqing 402247, China)

Abstract: Regarding the problems that offline education is powerless in the face of epidemic situation and online education requires a good network environment and the students are highly conscious, this paper firstly describes the current situation of the course of “Broadband and Data Transmission” and analyzes and discusses the current existing problems. Then by taking “The Principle and Configuration of Link Aggregation Technology” as an example, the paper expounds in detail the new teaching mode—Online To Offline (020) blended learning mode. Finally, it summarizes the advantages of adopting the new teaching mode, and provides a reliable reference for higher vocational colleges to further improve the teaching mode in the later stage.

Keywords: Online To Offline; teaching mode; online education; higher vocational college


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