
(西安航空学院 电子工程学院,陕西 西安 710077)

摘  要:在新能源的发展中,电力电子技术实现电能精确变换至关重要,从而凸显电力电子技术学习的重要性,“电力电子技术”是电气工程及其自动专业的专业基础课程,本文针对“电力电子技术”课程的特点,根据新时代新工科需求的特点,结合多年的教学实践,建立了以学生为中心、以知识传递和价值引领为目标,通过课前预习 + 课内学习 + 课后实践等多种教学手段,引导学生主动建立专业课程学习体系,积极地探索“电力电子技术”知识。




中图分类号:TM1;G434                                文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)09-0195-04

Research on the Teaching Method of Chopper Circuit in the Course of “Power Electronic Technology”

XUE Ronghui

(School of Electronic Engineering, Xi'an Aeronautical University, Xi'an 710077, China)

Abstract: With the development of new energy, it is very important for power electronic technology to realize the accurate transformation of electric energy, so as to highlight the importance of power electronic technology learning. Power Electronic Technology is a professional basic course for electrical engineering and its automation specialty. According to the characteristics of “power electronic technology” course, according to the characteristics of the needs of new engineering in the new era, and combined with years of teaching practice, this paper takes students as the center, takes knowledge transmission and value guidance as the goal, through preview before class + study in class + practice after class, uses a variety of teaching methods, guides students to establish actively professional curriculum learning systems and explore the knowledge of “power electronic technology” with interest.

Keywords: OBE; power electronic technology; buck chopper


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