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5G 移动通信技术及生态圈的建设运营策略研究
(中国电信股份有限公司 泉州分公司,福建 泉州 362000)

摘  要:作为我国“新基建”的领头羊,5G 通信技术将给社会和产业带来颠覆性变革,文章针对 5G 移到通信技术在建设和运营过程中存在的种种阻碍,从政府、政策、生产厂商、运营商、参建商、用户等因素构成的 5G 生态圈应用场景等方面,研究了转变运营观念的必要性,分析了 5G-QCELL、一体化 5G 微站等新技术在 5G 网络覆盖中的应用策略,以期为破解 5G 建设中存在的种种问题提供参考。

关键词:5G;无线网;2B;5G 生态圈


中图分类号:TN929.5                                   文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0043-05

Research on 5G Mobile Communication Technology and Construction and Operation Strategies of Ecosystem

WANG Weige

(Quanzhou Branch of China Telecom Stocks Co.,Ltd., Quanzhou 362000, China)

Abstract: As the leader of "new infrastructure construction" in China, 5G communication technology will bring subversive changes to society and industry. Aiming at various obstacles existing in the construction and operation of 5G mobile communication technology, this paper studies the necessity of changing the operation concept from the application scenario of 5G ecosystem composed of government, policy, manufacturers, operators, participants, users and other aspects. It analyzes the application strategies of 5G-QCELL, integrated 5G Microstation and other new technologies in 5G network coverage, in order to provide reference for solving various problems existing in 5G construction.

Keywords: 5G; wireless network; 2B; 5G ecosystem


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作者简介:王伟革(1967.03—),男,汉族,福建泉州人, 工程师,本科,研究方向:通信工程、无线网建设、交换等。