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5G 移动边缘计算一体化设备及算力资源分配方法研究
(京信网络系统股份有限公司,广东 广州 510663)

摘  要:5G 移动边缘计算一体化设备采用通用服务器硬件,基于移动边缘计算平台以移动边缘应用形式集中部署 5G 基站软件、5G 核心网软件以及 5G 网管软件。移动边缘计算一体化系统根据时延敏感性要求将移动边缘应用分为敏感性应用软件和非敏感性应用软件,预先为这些移动边缘应用定义性能等级及对应的算力需求,移动边缘计算一体化系统通过算力资源分配算法,平衡系统中部署的应用软件的性能。



中图分类号:TN929.5                                    文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0054-03

Research on 5G Mobile Edge Computing Integrated Equipment and Computing Power Resource Allocation Method

ZHANG Jingru

(Comba Network System Company Ltd., Guangzhou 510663, China)

Abstract: 5G mobile edge computing integrated equipment is equipped with general server hardware. Based on the mobile edge computing platform, 5G base station software, 5G core network software and 5G network management software are centrally deployed in the form of mobile edge applications. According to the time delay sensitivity requirements, the mobile edge computing integration system divides the mobile edge applications into sensitive application software and non sensitive application software. The performance level and corresponding computing power requirements are defined for these mobile edge applications in advance. The mobile edge computing integration system balances the performance of the application software deployed in the system through the computing power resource allocation algorithm.

Keywords: moving edge computing; integrated equipment; sensitive application; computing power resource allocation

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作者简介:张静茹(1981.07—),女,汉族,安徽界首人,高级主任协议软件工程师,中级通信技术工程师,硕士研究生,研 究方向:无线通信、计算机软件等。