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基于 MEC 的 5G 无线能力开放系统研究
(京信网络系统股份有限公司,广东 广州 510663)

摘  要:移动边缘计算(MEC)在 5G 移动通信网络中扮演着重要角色,构建在 5G 接入网侧,靠近移动终端用户,可以有效解决 5G 网络对高带宽和低延时的需求。移动边缘计算(MEC)获取基站无线测量信息和空口调度信息,进行策略加工,以无线网络能力 APIs 形式开放给移动边缘应用(MEA)。根据业务流对应的无线测量信息和空口调度信息,结合移动边缘应用业务流的不同服务等级的预配置信息,从而给出业务流服务等级修改指导建议,并通过订阅的无线网络能力 API 通知给该移动边缘应用。文章重点研究 5G 无线能力开放系统架构、无线能力开放策略以及无线能力开放关键系统流程。

关键词:移动边缘计算;能力开放 API;无线网络能力开放;能力 API


中图分类号:TN929.5                                    文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0055-05

Research on 5G Wireless Capability Open System Based on MEC

ZHANG Jingru

(Comba Network System Company Ltd., Guangzhou 510663, China)

Abstract: Mobile edge computing (MEC) plays an important role in 5G mobile communication network. It is built on the 5G access network side and close to mobile terminal users, which can effectively solve the demand of 5G network for high bandwidth and low delay. Mobile edge computing (MEC) obtains the wireless measurement information and air interface scheduling information of the base station, processes the strategy, and opens it to the mobile edge application (MEA) in the form of wireless network capability APIs. According to the wireless measurement information and air interface scheduling information corresponding to the business flow, combined with the preconfigured information of different service levels of the mobile edge application business flow, the guidance suggestions for modifying the service level of the business flow are given, and the mobile edge application is notified through the subscribed wireless network capability API. This paper focuses on 5G wireless capability open system architecture, wireless capability open strategy and key system processes of wireless capability open.

Keywords: mobile edge computing; capability open API; wireless network capability open; capability API


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作者简介:张静茹(1981.07—),女,汉族,安徽界首人,高级主任协议软件工程师,中级通信技术工程师,硕士研究生,研 究方向:无线通信、计算机软件等。