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(江门职业技术学院,广东 江门 529090)

摘  要:基于互联网的“一门式”智慧城市公共服务模式,在全国各地的大力推广,极大地方便了市民业务的办理,但在身份验证方面,还存在许多的不便利。随着信息技术的发展,基于人脸识 技术的身份验证已经在智慧城市建设中的安防、交通、金融等各行业大范围推广应用。本文以江门市“邑门式”服务为例,探讨了基于云计算、大数据基础平台的人脸识别系统构建,分析了人脸识别系统在“邑门式”服务过程中进行身份验证的优势,及对未来人脸识别系统在智慧城市建设的应用展望。


中图分类号:TP391.41        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0172-03

Application of Face Recognition Technology in Public Service of Intelligent City

ZHENG Huachang

(Jiangmen Polytechnic,Jiangmen 529090,China)

Abstract:The “one-door service” model of intelligent city public service based on the internet has been vigorously promoted across the country,which greatly facilitates the handling of citizens’business,but there are still a lot of inconveniences when it comes to authentication. With the development of information technology,the identification technology based on the face recognition technology has been widely popularized and applied in various industries such as security,transportation and finance in the construction of the intelligent city. This paper takes Jiangmen’s “one-door service” as an example,discusses the construction of face recognition system based on cloud computing and big data,analyze the advantage of the face recognition system in the process of a “one-door service” for identity verification,and expect that the face recognition system in the future will be used in the construction of intelligent city.

Keywords:face recognition technology;intelligent city;identity verification


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作者简介:郑华昌(1983.11-),男,汉族,广东阳江人, 高级工程师,本科,学士,研究方向:网络信息技术。