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(1. 成都大学 信息科学与工程学院,四川 成都 610106;2. 四川大学锦江学院,四川 眉山 620860)

摘  要:农业是民生之本也是立国之本,历年来,国家一直重视对农业领域的投入,新的技术和装备通过不断引入农业领域,极大地促进了粮食增产增收,提高了劳动生产效率。大数据技术作为现阶段最热门的研究,它给现代化农业生产带来了新的发展机遇,大数据是数据科学,而农业生产各个环节产生的基础数据、环境数据、生产数据、市场数据还未得到充分合理的运用,大数据为这些数据形成生产力提供了可能。由于大数据在农业领域中的应用才刚起步,各项研究还未深入,两者融合的过程中难免会出现各种各样的问题,本文就现阶段大数据在国内农业领域中出现的各种问题进行总结,提出一种思路,促进农业大数据的发展。


中图分类号:S126        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0151-03

Problems and Thoughts of Big Data in Agricultural Application

WANG Xiong1,2,YE Ansheng1

(1.School of Information Science and Engineering,Chengdu University,Chengdu 610106,China;2.Sichuan University Jinjiang College,Meishan 620860,China)

Abstract:Agriculture is the foundation of people’s livelihood and the foundation of the country. Over the years,the state has always attached great importance to the input in the agricultural field. Through the continuous introduction of new technologies and equipment into the agricultural field,it has greatly promoted the increase of grain output and income,and improved the efficiency of labor production. Big data technology as one of the hottest research at present,and it brought new opportunities to the modernization of agricultural production,big data is the data science,and the underlying data generated by the each link of agricultural production,environmental data,production data,market data has not been fully rational use and large data for these data provides a possible formation productivity. As the application of big data in the field of agriculture has just started,and various researches have not been in-depth,various problems will inevitably occur in the process of the integration of the two. This paper summarizes various problems of big data in the field of agriculture in China at the present stage,and puts forward an idea to promote the development of agricultural big data.

Keywords:agricultural big data;smart agriculture;data processing


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作者简介:王雄(1989-),男,汉族,四川泸县人,实验师, 硕士研究生,研究方向:农业大数据。