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(河北城乡建设学校 信息技术系,河北 石家庄 050031)

摘  要:新时期科学技术不断进步,伴随着计算机网络的出现各行各业都发生了变化。应用云计算能够很大程度上提高工作效率,但是云计算的安全管理和风险控制也值得我们思考。本文根据具体的云计算展开了探讨,提出了合理的解决策略,希望给相关工作人员提供一些参考,促进我国相关技术的进步。


中图分类号:TP309.2        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0148-02

New Challenges for Cloud Computing Security Management and Risk Control

QI Min

(Department of Information Technology,Hebei Urban and Rural Construction School,Shijiazhuang 050031,China)

Abstract:With the development of science and technology in the new era,all walks of life have changed along with the emergence of computer networks. Cloud computing can greatly improve the efficiency of work,but cloud computing security management and risk control are also worth considering. According to the specific cloud computing,this paper discusses and puts forward reasonable solutions,hoping to provide some reference for the relevant staff,and promote the progress of related technology in China.

Keywords:cloud computing;security model;security management mode;potential value


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作者简介:齐岷(1971.08-),女,汉族,河北顺平人,教师, 高级讲师,省级骨干教师,具有丰富的教学和学生管理工作经验, 工学硕士,研究方向:信息技术。