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(青岛理工大学 商学院,山东 青岛 266520)

摘  要:相互作用网络是一种除了相互作用网络内部中节点间存在边外,网络之间还存在相互依赖的边。这种情况下,如果其中一个节点失效,由于该点存在依赖边指向另外一个网络,会导致依赖边所指向的节点失效,其称为级联失效,级联失效的存在会导致整个相互依赖系统的崩溃。文章针对级联失效所引起的整个相互依赖系统崩溃问题选取合适的优化模型,求出最大相互作用联通网络和最少的节点数量,最后根据实验过程对不同模型求解的优劣进行分析。

关键词:BA 优化模型;hub 节点;遗传算法优化模型

中图分类号:TP393.03         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)22-0161-03

Dynamic Analysis of Interaction Network Based on Cascading Failure

QI Xiaotong,LU Liping,SUI Yuan,WANG Simeng,TENG Wei

(Business School,Qingdao University of Technology,Qingdao 266520,China)

Abstract:Interaction network is a kind of interaction network,in which there are not only edges among nodes,but also interdependent edges among networks. In this case,if one of the nodes fails,because the dependent edge points to another network,it will lead to the failure of the node pointed by the dependent edge,which is called cascading failure. The existence of cascading failure will lead to the collapse of the whole interdependent system. In this paper,for the collapse of the whole interdependent system caused by cascading failure,we select the appropriate optimization model,find out the maximum interaction network and the minimum number of nodes. Finally,the advantages and disadvantages of different models are analyzed according to the experimental process.

Keywords:BA optimization model;hub node;genetic algorithm optimization model


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