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(新疆巴音郭楞职业技术学院,新疆 库尔勒 841000)

摘  要:信息资源作为经济和社会发展的重要战略资源,已经渗入到了人们日常生活中的各个角落。随着信息化成为各国经济和科技竞争的制高点,信息化程度也逐渐成为衡量一个国家和地区现代化水平和综合实力的标准。网络作为传播信息的中转站,一方面在社会现代化发展中起到极大的推动作用,另一方面,也给人们的日常生活带来了一定的威胁。本文针对计算机信息管理技术在网络安全中的应用进行了相关的研究。


中图分类号:TP393.08         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0144-03

Application Research of Computer Information Management Technology in Network Security
ZHAO Zhijun
(Bayin Guoleng Technical College,Korla 841000,China)

Abstract:Information resources,as an important strategic resource of economic and social development,have penetrated into every field of people’s daily life. And informatization has become the commanding point of economic and technological competition in various countries,and the degree of informatization has gradually become the standard to measure the modernization level and comprehensive strength of a country and region. Network as a transfer station for information dissemination,on the one hand,has played a great role in promoting the development of social modernization. On the other hand,it also poses a threat to people’s daily life. In this paper,we will focus on the application of computer information management technology in network security.

Keywords:computer information management technology;network security;application research


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