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(中国人民解放军海军装备部,北京 100841)

摘  要:当前,主流杀毒软件的主要功能是对计算机病毒程序进行查杀,而不是对存储载体进行病毒防御,导致大量病毒程序通过存储载体实现长期潜伏、扩散,从而对计算机系统和数据造成巨大威胁。通过对传统杀毒软件的分析,以及对 NTFS 文件系统的研究,从加强存储载体的隔离免疫和访问预扫描两个维度进行探讨,提出一种新型计算机病毒防御理念,并使用 C# 语言进行编程,建立一套新型计算机病毒防御体系。



中图分类号:TP311                                    文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2021)06-0161-03

Design and Implementation of Anti-virus Storage Device Based on Isolation Technology

LIAO Rongjiang

(Equipment Department of PLA Navy,Beijing 100841,China)

Abstract:At present,the main function of the mainstream anti-virus software is to check and kill the computer virus program, rather than to defend the virus on storage carrier. As a result,a large number of virus programs are latent and spread through the storage carrier for a long time,so as to pose a huge threat to the computer system and data. Through the analysis of traditional anti-virus software and the research of NTFS file system,this paper discusses from the two dimensions of strengthening the isolation immunity of storage carrier and access pre-scan,puts forward a new computer virus defense idea,and uses C# language to program,so as to establish a new computer virus defense system.

Keywords:computer virus;isolation immunity;pre-scan;defense system


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作者简介:廖荣江(1983—),男,汉族,四川内江人,工程 师,本科,主要研究方向:网络安全、数据加密、智慧办公等。