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(南京邮电大学,江苏 南京 210023)

摘  要:互联网时代,高校信息平台日趋丰富,但实践中发现平台信息与信息诉求者间仍存在交流壁垒,犹如一道道栅栏横在平台与信息诉求者之间,使大学城平台信息交流停留在一个较低的层次。本文借鉴了查尔斯• 扎斯特罗所阐述的社会生态系统理论,以南京市仙林大学城为例,以学生诉求为着眼点,通过问卷调查、深度访谈、公开信息检索等方式,分别从微观、中观、宏观三个纬度进行大学城平台信息“栅栏化”的原因探索,并从学生、平台、高校、政府四个方面提出促进大学城平台信息无“栅栏化”的建议。


中图分类号:TP393         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0110-04

Research on Eliminating “Communication Fence” of Online Information within University Town
——Take Xianlin University Town of Nanjing as an Example
YANG Yingqi,YE Yiyang,LIN Qi
(Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023,China)

Abstract:In the internet age,college information platforms have been increasingly diversified. But there is a gigantic gap between the information delivered and information demanders in practice,as a “fence” formed between an information platform and its target audience. This kind of barrier confines information communication within a university town at an inefficient level. From the perspective of students’demand,we conducted our research within Xianlin University Town of Nanjing through a questionnaire survey,deep interview,and open information retrieval. By referring Society Ecosystems Theory of Charles H. Zastrow,we explored potential reasons for the formation of the information “fence” within Xianlin University Town from three levels,micro,mezzo and macro respectively. Based on the results and conclusions of our research,proposals regarding students,media,universities,and governments have been propounded distinctively.

Keywords:information platform within university town;exchange of information;communication fence;Society Ecosystems Theory


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