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现代教育技术在计算机探究型能力培养中的 应用分析
(南昌市新建区教师进修学校,江西 南昌 330100)

摘  要:计算机教学是整个教育工作的重要组成部分,计算机基础课程以高校必修课形式出现,主要考察学生计算机基础理论掌握能力和具体技能应用能力,计算机基础是适应社会发展诉求的技术类型。计算机课程探究式教学模式实践,对于学生本体实践能力培养和创新精神培育十分重要。现代教育技术的应用可以潜移默化地提升学生探究能力和综合素养,循序渐进地提升学生计算机应用能力,这对于新世纪的人才培养来说,意义非凡。本文从实际出发,对现代教育技术在计算机探究型能力培养中的应用进行了详细分析和阐述。


中图分类号:G434;TP3-4        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0112-03

Analysis of the Application of Modern Educational Technology in the Training of Computer Inquiry Ability

YANG Guoqin

(Nanchang Xinjian District Teachers’Further Education School,Nanchang 330100,China)

Abstract:Computer teaching is an important part of the whole educational work. Computer basic courses appear in the form of compulsory courses in colleges and universities. It mainly examines students’ability to master basic computer theory and to apply specific skills. Computer basis is a technical type to meet the needs of social development. The practice of inquiry teaching mode in computer course is very important for the cultivation of students’ontological practical ability and innovative spirit. It highlights the application of modern educational technology in it,improves students’inquiry ability and comprehensive quality imperceptibly,and improves students’computer application ability step by step. This is of great significance to the cultivation of talents in the new century. From the practical point of view,this paper makes a detailed analysis and elaboration on the application of modern educational technology in the cultivation of computer inquiry ability.

Keywords:modern educational technology;computer teaching;multimedia teaching;inquiry ability cultivation


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作者简介:杨国琴(1984-),女,汉族,江西人,本科,中 学一级教师,研究方向:现代教育技术教学。