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(开封市祥符高级中学,河南 开封 475100)

摘  要:信息技术是师生“教”与“学”的智能伙伴,是师生合作完成课堂教学任务的信息交流枢纽,是师生营造课堂教学情境、提高教学效率、进行高阶思维训练的得力工具。21 世纪,在信息技术的支撑下,现代教育向智能化、便捷性、实时性、无界性方向发展。本课题组在研究信息技术与学科教学融合规律的过程中,认识到信息技术与各个教学要素之间的关系与20 世纪时相比变化巨大,重新确立信息技术在现代教学中的基本地位,对现代化教学研究与实践具有重要参考意义。


中图分类号:G434;G807         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0138-02

Scientific Positioning of Information Technology in Modern Teaching
——Taking Information Technology and Multi-text Reading and Writing Teaching as an Example
ZHOU Yujie
(Kaifeng Xiangfu Senior High School,Kaifeng 475100,China)

Abstract:Information technology is a smart partner for teachers and students to “teaching” and “learning”. It is an information exchange hub for teachers and students to complete classroom teaching tasks. It is a powerful tool for teachers and students to create classroom teaching situations,improve teaching efficiency,and conduct high-level thinking training. In the 21st century,under the support of information technology,modern education has developed towards intelligence,convenience,real-time and unboundedness. In the process of researching the law of integration of information technology and subject teaching,the research team realized that the relationship between information technology and various teaching elements has changed greatly compared with the 20th century,and reestablished the basic position of information technology in modern teaching. It has important reference significance for modern teaching research and practice.
Keywords:“teaching” and “learning”;information technology;modern information classroom


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