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(无锡商业职业技术学院,江苏 无锡 214153)

摘  要:数据中心建设是智慧校园背景下高职院校信息化建设的重要支撑。通过对海量、高增长率和多样化的信息数据进行分类、对比和分析、挖掘精准科学的数据资源,形成统一的数据平台,是推动高职院校高质量发展的时代使命。文章基于对智慧校园背景下高职院校数据中心建设的新认识,结合无锡商业职业技术学院数据中心研究与实践,给出了高职院校数据中心建设的合理化建议。



课题项目:江苏省现代教育技术研究智慧 校园专项课题(2020-R-84297)

中图分类号:TP311.1                                 文献标识码:A                                        文章编号:2096-4706(2021)13-0110-04

Research and Practice of Data Center in Higher Vocational Colleges Under the Background of Smart Campus


(Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce, Wuxi 214153, China)

Abstract: Data center construction is an important support for the informatization construction of higher vocational colleges under the background of smart campus. Through classification, comparison and analysis of massive, high growth rate and diversified information data, mining accurate and scientific data resources to form a unified data platform, it is the mission of the times to promote the high-quality development of higher vocational colleges. Based on the new understanding of the construction of data center in higher vocational colleges under the background of smart campus, combined with the research and practice of the data center of Wuxi Vocational College of Business, reasonable suggestions for the construction of data center in higher vocational colleges are given in this paper.

Keywords: smart campus; data center; data


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