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基于 SLP 法的物流园区设施布局优化研究
郝兴霞 ¹ ,²
(1. 山东华宇工学院 德州市现代服务业软科学研究基地,山东 德州 253034;2. 德州市现代服务业互联网 + 创新型人才培养研究基地,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:随着物流行业的蓬勃发展,在信息时代的大背景下,物流园区设施合理高效的布局规划显得尤为重要。针对宝祥物流园区的设施布局所存在的诸多不合理问题,采用系统布局规划(SLP)方法对宝祥物流园区进行了物流和非物流关系分析,绘制出物流园区各作业单位位置相关图,根据相关图与各功能区的面积需求,结合实际情况,设计出物流园区内设施布局的两个备选方案,评价选择出最优的物流园区设施布局方案。



基金项目:山东华宇工学院 2021 年度校级 课堂教学改革试点课程《设施规划与物流分析》 项目成果

中图分类号:O221                                           文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)14-0130-03

Research on Facility Layout Optimization of Logistics Park Based on SLP Method

HAO Xingxia 1,2

(1. Dezhou Modern Service Industry Soft Science Research Base, Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China; 2. Dezhou Modern Service Industry Internet+Innovative Talent Training Research Base, Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: With the vigorous development of the logistics industry, under the background of the information age, the reasonable and efficient layout planning of logistics park facilities is particularly important. In view of many unreasonable problems existing in the facility layout of baoxiang logistics park, the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method is used to analyze the relationship between logistics and non logistics in baoxiang logistics park, and draw the location correlation diagram of each operation unit in the logistics park. According to the correlation diagram and the area demand of each functional area, combined with the actual situation, design two alternative schemes of facility layout in the logistics park, evaluate and select out the optimal facility layout scheme of the logistics park.

Keywords: logistics park; facility layout optimization; SLP


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作者简介:郝兴霞(1982—),女,汉族,山东聊城人,教师、 副教授、高级经济师,硕士研究生,研究方向:智慧物流、设施规 划与物流系统设计。