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动量定理在 Unity 3D 中的应用
(沈阳化工大学,辽宁 沈阳 110142)

摘  要:通常把在外力作用下,物体的形状和大小(尺寸)保持不变,而且内部各部分相对位置保持恒定(没有形变)的理想物理模型称为刚体。在 Unity 3D 中可以为对象添加 rigid body(刚体)组件,使对象具有物理属性。刚体在外力和外力矩的作用下,会产生平动和转动,这些运动都需要满足动量定理。文章分别介绍了刚体平动、刚体转动、转动惯量、给刚体添加力和力矩来说明动量定理在刚体运动中的体现。



中图分类号:TP311                                          文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0014-05

Application of the Momentum Theorem in Unity 3D 

DING Yanxi, ZHANG Didi, XU Qiuyu, GUO Renchun

(Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142, China)

Abstract: The ideal physical model in which the shape and size of an object remain unchanged under the action of an external force, and the relative position of the internal parts remains constant (without deformation), is called a rigid body. In Unity 3D, the object can be added a rigid body component, so that this object has a physical property. Under the action of external forces and external torque, the rigid body will produce translational motion and rotation, and these movements all need to satisfy the momentum theorem. This paper introduces the rigid body translation, rigid body rotation, moment of inertia, adding force and torque to the rigid body, so as to illustrate the embodiment of the momentum theorem in rigid body motion.

Keywords: Unity3D; momentum theorem; rigid body; moment of inertia


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作者简介: 丁彦希(2001.01—), 女, 汉 族, 江苏扬州人,本科在读,研究方向:电子信息工程;通讯作者:郭仁春(1971.01—),男,汉族,辽宁辽阳人,副教授,博士,研究方向:电子信息工程。