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(福建工业学校,福建 福州 350002)

摘  要:随着我国社会经济的快速发展,对机械设备的要求不断增加,在计算机技术及科学技术水平不断提高的背景下,数控技术也变得越来越成熟。对于机械制造来说,自动化、集成化和柔性化的实现都需要依托于数控技术,将数控技术广泛应用于制造业中,实现自动化生产效果,是提升企业竞争力的关键,也是提高国家工业水平,提升综合国力的必然要求。基于此,本文针对数控技术在机械制造中的应用及其现实意义进行了研究。


中图分类号:TG659         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0082-03

Application and Development Trend of NC Technology in Machinery Manufacturing Industry
(Fujian Industrial School,Fuzhou 350002,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy in China,the demand for mechanical equipment is increasing. With the continuous improvement of computer technology and science and technology,numerical control technology is becoming more and more mature. For mechanical manufacturing,the realization of automation,integration and flexibility need to rely on numerical control technology,which is widely used in manufacturing industry to achieve automated production effect. It is the key to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises,as well as the inevitable requirement to improve the national industrial level and comprehensive national strength. Based on this,this paper studies the application of NC technology in mechanical manufacturing and its practical significance.

Keywords:numerical control technology;machinery manufacturing industry;automatic control system


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