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PLC在高能/ 干雾微雾抑尘系统中的运用
(福建龙净环保股份有限公司,福建 龙岩 364000)

摘  要:本文介绍了高能/ 干雾微雾抑尘的工作流程和控制要求,高能/ 干雾微雾抑尘的发展历史,以及港口、火电、钢铁、矿场、化工场所的运用,对于高能/ 干雾微雾抑尘控制采用小型PLC 或触摸屏控制方式,实现了用户可以通过PLC 设置接口或触摸屏修改喷雾时间、周期及管道吹扫时间等,由PLC 构成的高能/ 干雾微雾抑尘系统降低了粉尘对大气的污染,改善了周围环境和现场作业人员的劳动环境,减少了职业病的发生,创造了广泛的社会效益和经济效益,更加安全、稳定、操作简便、控制灵活、维护工作量少而受到用户青睐。


中图分类号:TH237.3;TU834.8       文献标识码:A       文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0095-03

Application of PLC in High Energy / Dry Fog Micro Fog Dust Suppression System

CAO Huirong

(Fujian Long King Environmental Protection Company Limited by Share,Longyan  364000,China)

Abstract:This paper introduces the working process and control of high energy / dry fog dust fog suppression requirements,high energy / dry fog dust fog development history,and the use of ports,thermal power,steel,mines,chemical sites,for high energy / dry fog dust fog control using a small PLC or a touch screen control mode,to achieve the user can be set via PLC interface or touch screen modify time,cycle and spray pipeline purging time,composed of PLC high energy / dry fog dust fog suppression system to reduce the air pollution and dust,improve the surrounding environment and staff working environment,reduce the occupation disease,to create a wide range of social and economic benefits,more safety,stability,simple operation,flexible control,low maintenance workload and favored by the users.

Keywords:PLC programmable controller or touch screen;high energy/dry fog;micro fog and dust suppression


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作者简介:曹惠荣(1970.05 -)女,福建龙岩人,大学本科, 工程师,主要从事物料输送设备的设计、开发工作。