
(扬州工业职业技术学院,江苏 扬州 225127)

摘  要:“网络组建与管理”课程是高职院校信息类专业中一门重要的基础课程,但是其在实践教学中常显得枯燥无味,学生学习热情不高。针对此现象,文章提出了线上线下相混合的教学模式,课程以智能云课堂作为主要载体,利用在线开放课程、慕课辅助教学。课前要求学生有在线学习记录,课中根据学生课前在线学习情况调整授课内容、以学生为中心,告别老师“一人堂”,课后通过“在线开放课程 + 课后实践 + 在线答疑”精准解决学生疑问,形成学习过程的闭环。



课题项目:扬州工业职业技术学院教育教学 改革课题(2020XJJG14)

中图分类号:TP393;G434                                     文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2021)05-0189-04 

Exploration on the “Network Construction and Management” Course Online and Offline Blended Learning Model


(Yangzhou Polytechnic Institute,Yangzhou 225127,China)

Abstract:“Network Construction and Management” course is an important basic course of information profession in higher vocational colleges,but it often appears boring in practice teaching,and students’learning enthusiasm is not high. In view of this phenomenon,this paper puts forward a online and offline blended learning model. The course takes intelligent cloud classroom as the main carrier,uses online open courses and MOOC to assist teaching. Students are required to have online learning records before class, and adjust the teaching content in class according to the students’online learning situation before class,takes students as the center and bids farewell to the teacher’s “one person class”. After class,through “online open courses + after class practice + online answer”, students’questions can be accurately solved to form a closed loop of the learning process.

Keywords:“Network Construction and Management” blended learning;online and offline;teaching reform;closed loop learning


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作者简介:刘昕(1990.02—),女,汉族,江苏淮安人,助 理实验师,硕士研究生,研究方向:计算机网络。