
(萍乡学院 外国语学院,江西 萍乡 337055)

摘  要:教学评价是外语教学中的重要环节之一,对教学质量和教学效果的提升具有举足轻重的作用。文章针对应用型高 校的外语课程教学,探究慕课教学环境下的评价模式及其对应用型高校外语教学的影响,在对比传统课堂教学与慕课外语教学评价模式基础上,提出了基于慕课的外语教学评价模型,设计了模型的量化指标,包含形成性评价和终结性评价的一级指标和二级指标,并通过调查问卷采集数据,以层次分析法分析了各级指标权重,最后结合第二外语慕课课程实际验证了模型的可行性。



基金项目:江西省高校人文社科青年项目 (YY17224);江西省社会科学十三五规划项目 (18TQ05)

中图分类号:N945.12;G434                                文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2021)05-0193-03

Design of Applied Foreign Language Teaching Evaluation Model for Colleges Based on MOOC

ZHANG Wanwan,YANG Zhangwei

(School of Foreign Language,Pingxiang University,Pingxiang 337055,China)

Abstract:The teaching evaluation is one of the essential links in the foreign language teaching,which plays an important role in the promotion of teaching quality and teaching effect. Aimming at foreign language course teaching of applied colleges,this paper explores the evaluation model and its influence on foreign language teaching of applied colleges under the MOOC teaching environment. Based on the comparison between traditional classroom teaching and MOOC foreign language teaching evaluation model,this paper puts forward a MOOC-based foreign language teaching evaluation model,designs the quantitative indicators of the model,including the first and second level indicators of formative evaluation and summative evaluation,and collects data through questionnaire,analyzes the weight of each level indicators by AHP. Finally,the feasibility of the model is verified by the practice of the second foreign language MOOC course.

Keywords:AHP;teaching evaluation;model;MOOC


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作者简介:张婉婉(1985—),女,汉族,江西萍乡人,副教授, 硕士,研究方向:外语教学、日语语言文学研究;杨章伟(1982—), 男,汉族,江西萍乡人,副教授,硕士,研究方向:信息技术教学、 现代教育技术研究。