
(百色职业学院,广西 百色 533000)

摘  要:互联网环境下,计算机应用范围日益广泛,现如今已成为学校内的必修课程,并逐渐渗透到学生的日常生活中,促使学生思维方式不断创新。作为一款辅助教学、师生互动交流的移动式学习平台,超星学习通可以连通线上线下两种教学模式,使计算机基础课程实现混合式教学。超星学习通的应用不仅拓宽了计算机教学的广度与深度,也为课程带来了良好的实际运用效果,提高了课堂教学效率。



基金项目:2020 年度广西职业教育教学改革 研究项目(GXZZJG2020B008)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                  文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0188-04

Research on Construction of Blended Learning Mode Based on Chaoxing Learning APP —Take "Basic Computer Application" Course as an Example

QIN Qionghua

(Baise Vocational College, Baise 533000, China)

Abstract: Under the internet environment, the application scope of computer is becoming more and more extensive. Now it has become a compulsory course in the school, and gradually penetrates into students' daily life, making students' way of thinking innovate constantly. As a mobile learning platform for assisting teaching and interactive communication between teachers and students, Chaoxing Learning APP can get through online and offline two teaching modes to realize blended learning of basic computer courses. The application of Chaoxing Learning APP not only widens the breadth and depth of computer teaching, but also brings good practical application effect to the course and improves the efficiency of classroom teaching.

Keyword: Chaoxing Learning APP platform; online and offline; blended learning; basic computer application


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作者简介:覃琼花(1981—),女,壮族,广西百色人,讲师, 学士学位,研究方向:计算机技术应用、教育信息化。