
(黑龙江生态工程职业学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040)

摘  要:《国家职业教育改革实施方案》提出了“三教”(教师、教材、教法)改革的任务,文章对高职法规类课程在教学内容与方法上进行了调查,对比传统教学中存在的问题,从课程教学设计、构建方法和学习过程监控效果等方面,对教学模式改革具体方法进行了实践研究,基于云班课教学平台构建了“物流法规”智慧课堂,旨在为高职法律类课程改革提供一定的经验和补充。



课题项目:2019 年度黑龙江省高等职业教 育教学改革研究课题(SJGZY2019142);黑龙 江省教育科学“十三五”规划 2020 年度重点课 题(GZB1320212)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)14-0190-03

Discussion on the Construction and Implementation of Intelligent Classroom in Higher Vocational Colleges —Taking the Course of “Logistics laws and Regulations” As an Example

ZHANG Xiaoyu

(Heilongjiang Vocational Institute Ecological Engineering, Harbin 150040, China)

Abstract: The implementation plan of national vocational education reform puts forward the task of the reform of “three education” (teachers, teaching materials and teaching methods). This paper investigates the teaching contents and methods of higher vocational legal courses, compares the problems existing in traditional teaching, makes practical research on the specific methods of teaching mode reform from the aspects of curriculum teaching design, construction methods and learning process monitoring effect, and constructs the intelligent classroom of logistics laws and regulations based on the cloud class teaching platform, in order to provide some experience and supplement for the reform of legal courses in higher vocational colleges.

Keywords: logistics laws and regulations; teaching reform; smart classroom


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