
(乐山开放大学,四川 乐山 614800)

摘  要:为提高高等教育活动效率,结合学生先前的个人课程学习数据,在长短期记忆上实施神经网络构建学生学习预测模型。为了提高预测精度,在网络训练过程使用了 Adams 和 RMSProp 两种模型。该模型在实际的多学科大学进行了试验,相比其他方法,该模型在相同的条件有更好的性能表现。文章通过提取信息数据作为具有相应权重的特征,使用深度神经网络进行预测,测试模式用于评估系统。



中图分类号:TP393;G642.0                              文献标识码:A                         文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0188-04

Learning Performance Prediction System Based on Deep Learning

WEI Dihai

(Leshan Open University, Leshan 614800, China)

Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency of higher education activities, combined with the students’ previous personal course learning data, a student learning prediction model is constructed by implementing a neural network on long short-term memory. In order to improve the prediction accuracy, Adams and RMSProp models are used in the network training process. The model was tested in an actual multidisciplinary university, and compared to other methods, the model performs better under the same conditions. This paper uses deep neural networks for prediction by extracting informative data as features with corresponding weights. , the test mode is used to evaluate the system.

Keywords: learning performance prediction; deep learning; Long and short term memory


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