
基于计算思维三维框架的 Scratch 游戏化教学模式研究
(新疆师范高等专科学校 信息科学与技术学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830043)

摘  要:程序设计是培养学生计算思维最有效的手段之一,目前很多学校都将 Scratch 编程作为校本课程或者信息技术课程的内容,那么,针对目前 Scratch 编程教学中存在的问题,提出基于计算思维三维框架的 Scratch 游戏化教学模式,从激发兴趣,导入新课;提出问题,角色分析;画流程图,搭建程序;测试调试,解决问题;知识小结,拓展延伸这五个方面并结合具体的教学案例介绍具体的实施过程,最后对课堂的教学效果进行总结。

关键词:计算思维三维框架;Scratch 教学;游戏化教学


中图分类号:TP39;G434                                  文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0192-04

Research on Scratch Gamification Teaching Mode Based on Three-Dimensional Framework of Computational Thinking

WANG Qianqian

(School of Information Science and Technology, Xinjiang Teacher’s College, Urumqi 830043, China)

Abstract: Programming design is one of the most effective means of cultivating computational thinking of students. At present, many schools take Scratch programming as the content of school-based courses or information technology courses. Therefore, in view of the problems existing in the teaching of Scratch programming, Scratch gamification teaching mode based on three-dimensional framework of computational thinking is proposed. From stimulating interest and introducing new lessons, asking questions and character analysis, drawing flowcharts and building programs, testing and debugging and solving problems, knowledge summary and expand and extend, these five aspects, it combines specific teaching cases to introduce the specific implementation process, and finally summarizes the teaching effect of the classroom.

Keywords: three frameworks of computational thinking; Scratch teaching; gamification teaching


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作者简介:王倩倩 (1995—),女,汉族,河南夏邑人,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:信息化教学。