
线上线下混合式“绘画基础 2:色彩”课程的 探索与实践
(山东华宇工学院 设计与艺术学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:“绘画基础 2:色彩”课程是数字媒体技术专业的基础课,目前面临教学内容与行业需求脱节、教学方式单一等问题。文章在分析数字媒体技术专业行业需求的基础上,提出“三结合双对接”的教学模式,搭建线上学习平台,采用目标导向的线上线下混合式教学方法,创建全阶段学习的线上线下混合式教学资源,并在数字媒体技术基础课程中进行应用实践。应用效果表明,线上线下混合式教学模式能够提升学生的学习能力,提高教学质量,推动教学目标的实现。




中图分类号:TP39;G434                                 文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0187-05

Exploration and Practice of Online and Offline Blended “Painting Foundation 2: Color” Course

YAN Yikang

(School of Design and Art, Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: “Painting Fundamentals 2: Color” is a basic course of digital media technology. At present, it faces problems such as the teaching content is out of line with the industry demand and the teaching method is single. Based on the analysis of the industry needs of digital media technology, this paper puts forward the teaching mode of “three combination and double docking”, builds the online learning platform, adopts the goal-oriented online and offline blended teaching method, creates the online and offline blended teaching resources for the whole stage of learning, and carries out the application practice in the basic course of digital media technology. The application results show that the online and offline blended teaching mode can improve students' learning ability, improve teaching quality and promote the realization of teaching objectives.

Keywords: ability improvement; online and offline blended; project teaching


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