
Web 项目开发过程模型教学研究
(厦门华厦学院,福建 厦门 361021)

摘  要:基于教学经验总结了一套可用于指导 Web 项目开发的基本过程模型。首先通过一个基于 Python Flask 框架的示例应用“转账程序”向读者展示一个 Web 应用的基本开发过程,然后在这个示例的基础上,分析总结了 Web 应用开发的基本开发过程模型。由于 Web 应用广泛流行,高校普遍开设 Web 开发课程,文章总结的基本过程模型有助于广大 Web 教学从业人员指导学生进行开发设计。

关键词:Web 项目教学;Web 程序设计;Python Flask



中图分类号:TP311.1                                      文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0192-04

Research on Model Teaching of Web Project Development Process

YANG Qunwei, LIAO Jie, SU Hualing

(Xiamen Huaxia University, Xiamen 361021, China)

Abstract: Based on the teaching experience, this paper summarizes a set of basic process model that can be used to guide the development of Web projects. Firstly, through a sample application “transfer program” based on Python Flask framework, it shows readers the basic development process of a Web application. Then, based on this example, the basic development process model of Web application development is analyzed and summarized. Due to the wide popularity of Web applications, Web development courses are widely offered in colleges and universities. The basic process model summarized in this paper is helpful for the majority of Web teaching practitioners to guide students in the development and design. 

Keywords: Web project teaching; Web programming; Python Flask


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