
(珠海市广东实验中学金湾学校,广东 珠海 519000)

摘  要:“同步课堂”是以网络技术和远程互动教学系统为支撑,由本地教师和异地教师协同配合,以同步互动方式实现对两地学生同时上课的一种网络协同教学模式。文章通过利用“同步课堂”开展教研实践,探寻其实施过程中存在的问题,并提出“联动”教研模式的解决办法和路径,将远端优质学校的教学资源和课堂教学同步到薄弱学校,促进城乡教师的共同发展。



课题项目:珠海市教育科研 2021 年度专项微课题(2021ZHWKTG45)

中图分类号:TP39;G434                                文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)16-0196-03

Synchronous Classroom Practice and Research Based on the“Linkage Teaching and Research”Mode

LIN Yingcong

(Zhuhai Guangdong Experimental Middle School Jinwan School, Zhuhai 519000, China)

Abstract:“synchronous classroom”is a network collaborative teaching mode supported by network technology and remote interactive teaching system, which is coordinated by local teachers and teachers from different places, and realizes simultaneous classes for students from two places in a synchronous interactive way. By using the “synchronous classroom” to carry out teaching and research practice, this paper explores the problems existing in its implementation, and puts forward the solutions and paths of the “linkage” teaching and research mode, so as to synchronize the teaching resources and classroom teaching of remote high-quality schools to weak schools, and promote the common development of urban and rural teachers.

Keywords: linkage teaching and research; synchronous classroom; practical research


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