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(新疆铁道职业技术学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011)

摘  要:冬天火车运输矿砂、煤炭等散装物料时,存在冻结的现象。判断矿砂解冻程度就成了卸货的关键,目前采用人工探杆穿插探查,这种探测方法存在工作效率低、准确率不高、劳动强度大等缺点。为此,文章开发了一套自动检测分析系统,用计算机控制系统控制机械探杆按照设定好的程序刺探矿砂采集矿砂冻结数据,再用计算机分析系统将采集来的数据进行分析,最后用数据视图将车辆中矿砂的冻结情况展示出来,从而判断车辆是否达到卸货标准。



中图分类号:TP311                                        文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)13-0151-04

Design and Implementation of Automatic Ore Thawing Detection and Analysis System

ZHOU Xudong, LIANG Xiao

(Xinjiang Railway Vocational and Technical College, Urumqi 830011, China)

Abstract: There is a phenomenon of freezing when transporting bulk materials such as ore and coal by train in winter. Judging the thawing degree of ore has become the key to unloading. At present, manual probe rods are used for interpenetrating exploration. This detection method has some disadvantages, such as low efficiency, low accuracy, high labor intensity and so on. Therefore, this paper has developed a set of automatic detection and analysis system, which uses the computer control system to control the mechanical probe rod to probe the ore according to the set program, collect the ore freezing data, then use the computer analysis system to analyze the collected data, and finally display the ore freezing situation in the vehicle with the data view, so as to judge whether the vehicle meets the unloading standard.

Keywords: ore thawing; probe rod; lead screw drive; PLC; data view


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作者简介:周旭东(1968.01—),男,汉族,重庆人,实验师, 本科,研究方向:电气自动控制;梁潇(1987.07—),男,汉族, 新疆乌鲁木齐人,讲师,本科,研究方向:电气自动化控制。