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(深圳市南航电子工业有限公司,广东 深圳 518057)

摘  要:本文介绍了飞行中使用压力传感器对飞行高度、指示空速、升降速度进行测量的必要性,对大气数据的测量原理进行了介绍。列出了大气压力的解算方程,气压高度、指示空速的计算公式,分析了压力传感器的误差来源,通过数据仿真计算,认为压力传感器的频率和温压数据的采集,是影响大气数据误差的主要来源。通过压力传感器的频率和温压数据的采集电路优化,并结合软件滤波、压力数据修正的手段减少误差,确保解算的大气数据可以满足飞行的精度要求。


中图分类号:V249;TP212         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0025-04

Research of Reduce Deviation of Air Data in Flying
WU Nailiang,FU Wenzhuang
(Shenzhen Nanhang Electron Industry Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518057,China)

Abstract:This paper introduces the necessity of using pressure sensor in flight is introduced,for flying height,indicated airspeed and altitude rate measured. Introduce the measuring principle of atmospheric data. The solution equation of atmospheric pressure is listed;flying height and indicated airspeed calculation formula are listed too. Analyze the deviation resource of the Pressure Sensor. Computation by data simulation,the data acquisition of output frequency and temperature pressure of pressure sensor,is considered the main deviation source. By optimizing the acquisition circuit of pressure sensor frequency and temperature and pressure data,and combining with software filtering and pressure data correction,the error is reduced to ensure that the calculated atmospheric data can meet the flight accuracy requirements.

Keywords:atmospheric data;pressure sensor;acquisition circuit optimization;flight parameters


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