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WSN 中基于移动信标节点的过滤定位算法
(江西服装学院,江西 南昌 330201)

摘  要:无线传感器网络在军事、工业、医疗等领域都具有巨大的发展价值和前景,而无线传感器网络中的节点定位技术一直是研究的重点和热点,现有的节点定位技术不是成本过高就是节点定位精度不高。为了在降低成本的同时提高节点定位的精度,本文提出了一种基于移动信标节点的过滤定位算法。该算法的主要思想是给无线传感器网络中布置移动信标节点(此类节点上装有GPS 导航),其余节点位置再通过过滤后的三边测距法计算得到。


中图分类号:TN929.5;TP212.9         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0136-03

Filtering and Localization Algorithm Based on Mobile Beacon Node in WSN
HU Qiong
(Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology,Nanchang 330201,China)

Abstract:Wireless sensor networks have great development value and prospects in military,industrial,medical and other fields. The node location technology in wireless sensor networks has always been the focus and hotspot of research. The existing node location technology,either the cost is too high or the node localization accuracy is not high. In order to improve the accuracy of node positioning while reducing cost,this paper proposes a filtering localization algorithm based on mobile beacon nodes. The main idea of the algorithm is to arrange a mobile beacon node in the wireless sensor network (the GPS navigation is installed on the node),and the remaining node positions are calculated by the filtered three-side ranging method.

Keywords:WSN(wireless sensor network);sensor nodes;positioning;moving beacon nodes


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