摘 要:可再生能源是国民经济发展和人民生活必须的重要物质基础,是推动人类社会发展的极大助力。本文主要对风光互补智能照明系统进行研究,重点研究风能和太阳能为照明系统提供源源不断稳定的电能,在白天和黑夜情况下智能控制LED 的亮灭,检测周围温度通过LCD1602 实时显示,当环境温度超过预先设定阈值,继电器模块智能控制风扇转动。从而实现二十四小时智能化控制LED 照明。
关键词:风光互补;智能;LED 照明
中图分类号:TM923.34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0058-03
Design of Intelligent Lighting System Based on Wind and Light Complementation
ZHAO Bo,HAN Song,LI Zhiyuan,CHEN Xugen,LI Xianrui
(School of Mathematics and Physics,Xuzhou University of Technology,Xuzhou 221000,China)
Abstract:Renewable energy is an important material basis for the development of the national economy and the people's life,and is a great help to promote the development of human society.This paper focuses on the wind and light complementary research of intelligent lighting system,focus on wind and solar lighting system to provide everfount stable power,intelligent control of LED light in the day and night condition,ambient temperature is detected through the LCD1602 display,when the ambient temperature exceeds the pre set threshold,the relay module is intelligent control of the fan rotation. Thus,the twenty-four hour intelligent control LED lighting is realized.
Keywords:wind and light complementation;intelligence;LED lighting
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作者简介:赵柏(1995.10 -),男,汉族,江苏泗阳人,本科,研究方向:电子科学与技术。